Giftgalleri 1

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Stereotype Devil and Angel My first gift! Jean send me this. She says it's just a quick sketch. I Wish I could make quick sketches like that. This picture is just beatyfull. Thank you Jean! ^__^
Stereotype Devil and Angel Auch. They're so cute on this. ^^ Thank you Bryan. He has given Angel a Kagami Manga T-Shirt. That's such a nice detail. He he, this gotta be the first pic ever made of Stereotype Devil and Angel in something else than their regular clothes. Come to think of it... I've always wondered how Stereotype Angel get his wings to go with his clothes... I guess that's a good thing about making him so stereotype. Don't ask questions. Just accept.
Stereotype Angel Midori made me this. She says it reminds me of her brother. Hmmm... I would hate to have a brother like Stereotype Angel. Just think about it. He would always be so perfect and do everything the right way all the time. @_@ It would be hell!
Stereotype Angel My friend M-chan (Muse, guardian angel, whatever) gave me this while I was sick. It had some text saying, "Take my hand, and you'll feel better." Or at the least she claims so. She cut it of while scanning it. ^_~ it's rather scary how close her drawingstyle are to mine. Erh... Correction. Mine is to hers. She's the main reason my eyes look like they does.
Stereotype Devil I got this from Pernille. I don't think I need to mention that Stereotype Devil likes this pic. It really captures her soul. Ehhh... I mean. It would have, if she had had such a thing.
Stereotype Devil and Angel Another gifts from Jean. Oooh... Stereotype Angel looks so cute on this. I love the way she's made his hair. Mmmm... Jeans art are so beatyful. I whish I could make drawings like hers.

Stereotype Angel This is a gift from Stephan. He gave it to me as a christmas present. ^___^ Nothing like an extra Christmas gift. Hmmm... Stereotype Angel look like he's really pissed here. Come to think of it that flamesword of his really must use some special sort of fire that doesn't burn him...
Stereotype Devil This was sent to me by Jonathan With his own words it's Stereotype Devil getting ready to go *nite-nite* after a long day of evil. (I simply love that sentence.) Anyway, This pic is just so cute. ^-^ *Sidestepping to awoid Stereotype Devil hitting her for calling her cute* Ermm... Anyway, Stereotype Devil tells me that she would newer dream of sleeping in anything as decent as she's dreesed in on the picture. But I still think the picture is really cute.
Stereotype Devil and Angel I Got this from Kaitlyn. Hehe, she's got the essential differences of my little stereotypes worlds. Hope they won't start fighting while not being under the control of the comicpanels. I prefer to keep them without injures between the pages. Otherwise they're not in decent shape to my pages. ^_~
Alex and Stereotype Devil This was a birthdaygift to me from M-chan. The boy is her character Alex. I think Devil has a weakness for Alex cuteness combined with his horns. ^_~
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